Saturday, July 28, 2012

Steps 2 and 3

Step 2: Check your attitude
Fantasy Football with a bunch of dudes is not for the faint of heart. Half of the time spent participating in the league is ragging on your friends so make sure you have a sense of humor. Leave your feminism and your soap box at the door, or go start your own all-chicks league. If the guys think they have to censor themselves because of your participation, you'll ruin the fun for them. Jack informed me of a less-than-tasteful picture he posted on the league page before "letting me in" to make sure I would be a good sport. I was like "hey, it's me". Of course I'm a good sport, **roll eyes**

Step 3: Get invited into the league
Only the creator/Commissioner of the league can invite you to participate. If that is your man, great! If not, he has to go to bat for you and get the Commissioner to invite you. Most likely, this will not be an issue. Men don't try to keep women out of their leagues, it's the women who don't really care to join. When you are invited, you will receive an email so you can access the league page.

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