Monday, September 24, 2012

I am a sore loser

This is why I didn't post about week 2 of the NFL season. I won my match in one league, making me undefeated in that league, and lost my match in the other league, making me completely defeated in that one. And I wasn't happy about it. I was mad at my husband for making me join two leagues, mad at Peyton Manning for screwing me over, mad that my husband's cousin destroyed me, mad that I was basically in last place.

Like I said- sore loser.

Things are looking up this week, as I stuck Peyton back on the pine pony and put my true love, Drew Brees, back in where he belongs. And he didn't disappoint me. MJD also had a banner day with 24 points. Frustrations? I had Tom Brady and the Bears D on one team, and played against them in the other league. So I didn't want them to do TOO well. Bears D rocked it with 23 points. Tom Brady had another mediocre day with 19. Have I mentioned that he is the most overpaid, over-rated player in the NFL? If I haven't, it's because I didn't post last week. Because I have been thinking this thought for two weeks, and meant to mention it. I would trade him, but I know that once I did, he would probably play awesome. Because that is my life. Anyway, his mediocre day helped me out because I didn't need a lot of points from him on my team, but my opponent in the other league could have used some more.

Are you confused by these two teams/leagues? I am.

Like Jenny in The League (who I hate, by the way, along with her husband and daughter. Yes, I hate her daughter, and you would too if you watched the show), I am no longer going to tinker with my lineup. Unless it is completely necessary to switch someone out, like they have a really bad chance against their opponent, or it is a bye week of course.

My husband gets upset with me that I don't check the fantasy page multiple times a day, because while HE is at work he is creating new trophies, uploading pictures accompanied by his usual rhetoric and videos that have nothing to do with football. And he wants some kudos for the entertainment he is trying to provide. I just do not appreciate him enough as commissioner.

The game isn't over yet so I don't know if I actually won or not. But, it's looking good.

Monday, September 10, 2012

I watched 10.5 hours of football yesterday

(Not counting the 20 minutes or so I spent cleaning the bathrooms.) And enjoyed every minute of it! WHAT FUN! It’s so exciting to watch your own game (GO JETS) and meanwhile you’re checking your Fantasy Football team score and watching your numbers climb. It’s great! We spent all Sunday in front of the TV, eating homemade wings and eventually grilling, chilling out. Good bonding time for the Colorado Kimmels.

Some down sides: your husband is cheering because Michael Vick is scoring points, while you’re groaning because Michael Vick is on your opponent's team in your other league. Loyalty and support within your marriage has gone out the window. And that’s ok. Also, he will spend more time than usual yelling at the T.V. I sympathized with Tony Romo the other night because my husband was yelling at him for giving the ball to some other player than the one he wanted. Hey, the guy still beat the Giants. 

Jets Defense, you just became #1 in my heart. Why did I bench you? It’s heartbreaking when someone you bench plays AWESOME. Like Adrian Peterson, RG3 (who would have thought he would out-perform Tom Brady?), and Stevan Ridley.

My bench may have scored more points than my starters.

If I start the Jets Defense against some of the other teams, will they play as well? Did I miss my chance for big points from my defense? Probably. Arhg

Peyton Manning is the best Manning.

I managed to win in one league and I didn’t deserve it. Good show, old man. I still have one guy left to play in my other league and I’m 24 points behind. Darren McFadden, it’s up to you.